
Lal Bahadur Shastri Training Center

Under The Management Of

LBSTC motive is to guide the productive capacity of youth by generating mass scale employment in the field of information technology.

We initiate and ignite the mind of every country men to take up the mission of transforming India into a developed nation.

Our aim is to grow rapidly by establishing a high quality, reliability and cost-effective software education with the ultimate aim of customer satisfaction.

LBSTC provides a market oriented professional education to the student community as well as the senior citizens of India.

The main objective of the organization is to impart technical education, computer education and job oriented vocational courses at a affordable fee.

LBSTC aims at accomplishing its mission by providing the right people with great skills through complete dedication with a team of hardworking professionals who are working all time to build experts in IT professionals, Fashion Designers, Trained Teachers, Beauty Experts etc

The organization aims at providing full satisfaction to the students through training, placement, social support, quality services as well as reliable and continual improvement of the processes by technical up-gradation and continual training.